SHAKEN: Journey into the Mind of a Parkinson’s Patient

Paul Schroder graduated at the top of his class in electrical engineering, and then was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease. After a decade of being on medication and growing increasingly debilitated, he decides that radical brain surgery is preferable to sitting on the couch like a vegetable for the rest of his life. While Paul lies awake on the operating table, doctors implant electrodes in his brain and a neurostimulation device underneath his collarbone. The results of this electrifying surgery are mysterious, miraculous and bittersweet.

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Note: DVD’s include a Public Performance License.


“SHAKEN is a Rosetta Stone, a fundamental guide, for patients suffering from Parkinson’s disease, those who love them, those who treat them and the public at large.”
Harold J. Bursztajn, M.D., Neuropsychiatrist, Harvard Medical School

“SHAKEN is breathtaking. This powerful film captures the human element of Parkinson’s in a way I have never seen depicted. The videography is spectacular, the story is riveting and beautifully told, and it could not be more timely.”
Sandra Blakeslee, Science Writer, frequent contributor to The New York Times

“SHAKEN is the best thing I have seen on Parkinson’s disease. Ever. This should be required viewing for every medical student and Parkinson patient or professional.”
Drew Dimmel, Chairman of the Board, Parkinson Foundation of the Heartland

“As someone whose family has been touched by Parkinson’s, I believe that SHAKEN is a powerful, emotionally riveting film.”
Senator Mark Udall (D- Colorado)

“An eloquent and poignant profile of a man who confronts disease head on, SHAKEN is recommended. *** ”
Video Librarian

“This very moving film, which was shown to members of Congress …will be useful to Parkinson’s patients and their families and friends. Recommended.”
Library Journal

“…an emotionally penetrating documentary…this poignant look makes a strong case in support of stem cell research.”
ALA Booklist

“SHAKEN is an outstanding portrayal of the realities of Parkinson’s disease. It accurately and emotionally combats the myth that Parkinson’s is a chronic, manageable disease of the elderly.”
Amy L. Comstock, CEO, Parkinson’s Action Network

“SHAKEN eloquently captures one man’s struggle with Parkinson’s disease and the toll it has taken on him and his family, but in the many beautifully shot and poignant moments, humor and hope endure. This film is an urgent call to action. Bravo!”
Davis Phinney, Davis Phinney Foundation

“Thank you for making this film. It truly gives a glimpse into what we face on a daily basis. Whether you have Parkinson’s or not, if you are human this film will touch your heart.”
Ken Glowienke, President, Focus on a Cure for Parkinson’s Disease

“SHAKEN brilliantly captures the challenges associated with Parkinson’s disease, and its treatment. You don’t have to be a neuroscientist or a Parkinson’s patient to appreciate this film. You only have to be human.”
Nestor Matthews, Ph.D. Psychology Professor, Denison University

Written, Produced and Directed by Deborah J. Fryer
Music by Jamie AndersonTracy BonhamGregory William Haddow and Charlie Nimovitz.

Let’s create something awesome together.


Lila Films is a full-service video production company based in Boulder, Colorado. We love creating high-impact productions to help our clients expand their reach and achieve their goals. Whether your project is for broadcast, education, marketing, fundraising or training, we have you covered. Lila Films supports a wide variety of clients including small business owners, national corporations, federal labs, universities, public television, and non-profits. Not in Colorado? No problem! We work with clients throughout the world.