American Public Health Association: Environment • Health • You

How did we get here, where are we going? This short film presents a historical overview of public and environmental health in the United States over the past century. It’s a complex story of the interconnections between air, water, soil, food production and distribution, chemicals, population, climate change, national, state and local policy, and communities taking their health into their own hands. Learn about the success and challenges, regulations and radical changes this country has seen in the past century. This video was created to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the Environment Section of the American Public Health Association.

Produced/Directed/Written/Filmed/Edited by Lila Films (2011)

Let’s create something awesome together.


Lila Films is a full-service video production company based in Boulder, Colorado. We love creating high-impact productions to help our clients expand their reach and achieve their goals. Whether your project is for broadcast, education, marketing, fundraising or training, we have you covered. Lila Films supports a wide variety of clients including small business owners, national corporations, federal labs, universities, public television, and non-profits. Not in Colorado? No problem! We work with clients throughout the world.